Non-ranking Amateur & Level 3 Elite Boom Running
Ranking Amateur & Level 3 Elite Log Rolling
Registration Link
Saturday July 15, Professional Boom Run and Amateur Boom Run competition. Registration at 4:30. (We can not be on the grounds prior to 3:30 due to a Scheers Lumberjack Show) This year, Professional Boom Run will be first. Pro warm up at 5:00. Competitor meeting at 5:20. Competition begins at 5:30. Each participant will get 2 runs, one on each boom. Best overall time will be used for placement. AmateurE warm up and competition will begin immediately following the conclusion of professional. Aroximate time will be 6:15, competition at 6:30.
Amateur Boom Run ages will be 12 to 14, 12 as of Jan 1, 23, and 15 to 17, not professional status. Amateur will be run as a coed, unless there are no less that 4 of male and female.
Sunday July 16, registration and check in 8:00 to 8:30. Competitor and judges meeting to follow. Competition will begin at 9:00 am.
Tentative order will be Amateur begin at 9:00. Mens Professional 9:00, Womens Professional 12:00. Exact schedule will be posted July 1. All participants need to have a current USLRA membership. U5 rollers will not be sanctioned and will not require a membership.
Professional matches will use spike logs. All amateur and adult sport will use carpet logs. USLRA rules will be used. U13 and U17 groups will begin on a #2 log. All participants U10 and older should be able to pole start.

Each competitor will need to check out seperately , due to ordering a t shirt
Tickets purchased before June 24 will receive a free tournament logo t shirt! Registrations will be accepted through Monday July 10, but no guarantee of a t shirt after July 1, 2022. Thank you to Hayward Area Memorial Hospital for sponsoring the printing of this years t shirts.
No parking will be allowed on the grounds. More information will be sent to competitors.
Food will be available on the grounds. No pets, tobacco or alcohol will be allowed.